Thursday 14 May 2015

Personal Shoot No.8 Work Record

The idea behind this shoot was to create a animation which would be representative of different feeling and emotions of one person over a short period of time.  In order to prepare fro this shoot, i wrote down a list of different facial expression which i wanted the model to do in order to save time and to also make sure that i didn't forget any of the facial expressions. 

This is my final animation from this shoot. As you can see i have included a wide range of different facial expressions to portray the models different feelings and emotions. I didn't want to make the animation too fast as i wanted to ensure that each facial expression could easily be seen by the audience. Also i decided to make the animation black and white as i wanted to resemble something similar to a silent movie. The thing that i would change in this animation is the movement of the model as she moves up and down slightly. 

I was inspired to do this shoot as this was one of my ideas which i had come up with at the beginning of the project therefore ones i had i gone as far as i felt i could have with graffiti and overlaying, i decided to go back and look at my mind map to do one of my original ideas. 

As a result of this shoot, i would like to continue to look at animation however rather than changing the models facial expressions, i would like to change the models outfit. I would like to animation to look as if the model is not moving at all and the outfits are just magically changing. 

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