This photograph is by Idris Khan and has used the technique of overlaying in order to create this photograph. It appears that this photograph is of a gas tower due to its obvious cylinder shape and the way that it is structured. The gas tower is in the center of the composition therefore it is the main focus of the photograph. However the fact that several photographs have been used, there is a slight distortion as to where each side of the gas tower is. When looking at the colour, it is clear that this photograph has been edited so that it is in black and white. However this has created different shades and tones of black, grey and white which i feel adds depth to the photograph and it also maybe representing the density of the gas inside the tower. The background is a bright white colour which contrasts against the different shades of black and grey in the gas tower. Overall i feel that this photograph has a ghostly and haunted feel due to the audience being able to see more than on of the gas towers and also that they are unable to distinguish what is actually in the foreground.

This is one of my photographs and it is of Big Ben. This photograph has been created by overlaying various shots of Big Ben. It is in black and white which make the building look ghostly and haunted. This contrast against the fact this is well known tourist attraction and is not seen in this light at all. The Big Ben can be seen in the center of the composition and it easily recognisable due to its obvious features such as the clock and its tall, tower like shape. This therefore makes it the main focus of the photograph. When looking at the background, it is clear that it is of the sky however due to the fact that it has been editing into black and white, different tones can be seen which represent the clouds which are in the sky. Furthermore when looking at colour, it is clear that there are different tones and shaded of black and grey on the building which i feel adds depth the the building and shows that it is 3D.
Overall both of these above photographs connect due to them using the same technique of overlaying. Also they have both been edited to be in black and white which gives them a haunted and ghostly look but also allows you to see different tones and shades which confirm that the building are 3D rather than flat. Lastly they both use black and white to create a contrast between the main focus which is the buildings and the background which is the sky.
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