Dictionary Definition
Multiple - having or involving several parts, elements, or members
Images - a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
Describing Words
Annotated Photographs
This multiple images piece has been created by overlaying images of a carousel however each time, the composition is slightly different due to the carousel moving. This has then created figures which almost look ghostly as they are blurred but still recognisable. The deep colours of the carousel are still visible, allowing the audience to understand that this is a carousel and therefore can define each element of it. |
This multiple images pieces has been created by using the technique multiple imagery. This is created by making a 4x4 grid of photographs. In this example it is showing different people however they all appear to have a fur hood on. This then creates a connection between each photograph therefore adding significance to the multiple imagery piece. |
This multiple images pieces has been created by overlaying images of what looks like a group of people. In this specific example loads of images have been used to create a more ghostly look to the photograph. By editing the photograph to be black and white, this adds to the mysterious look created by the ghostly looking figures. Although the photograph is in black and white, by looking at the different tones you are able to establish the different people within the photograph and some of their features such as their head. |
This multiple images piece is slightly different to the rest as it used the technique photo joiner. This is created by taking various photograph of the subject focuses on different facial features in each shot, Also some shots are taking at different angles. The images are then brought together to create one image which shows all the feature from different angles however still resembles the subject as it would be in one shot. |
My Definition
The combining of several images to create one image
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